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At Woodstock fashion was on display as much as music and free love were in the air Stage acts like Jimi Hendrix Janis Joplin Joe Cocker and Ritchie Havens strutted their bohemian stuff but the looks on display in the crowd were even more distinctive and outrageous Woodstock fashion and hippie chic included tie dye fringe beads headbands dashikis bikini.
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Though meant to run across three days Woodstock’s disorganization meant it Woodstock may have been billed as “three days of peace and music” but The Who One of the unfettered highlights of her tragically short career Janis Joplin’s If timing is everything in rock’n’roll then Carlos Santana’s appearance at Woodstock Creedence Clearwater Revival’s fierce professionally Though it ran horrendously behind schedule Woodstock’s Joe Cocker’s star was already in the ascendency after his magnificent soul Local Catskills residents The Band were reputedly the first group offered a slot at Country Joe McDonald played twice at Woodstock firstly on the Chaotic from the outset Woodstock was meant to kick off at 300 pm on.