White Spider Lily. The ‘Spider Mum’ has a spiky flower with white petals and pale yellow center Planting Chrysanthemums can give your garden splashes of white red purple or pink in the fall These showy flowers come in varying shapes and sizes Some large flowers are globular and made up of 100s of tiny petals Some flowerheads are single or double petals fanning out from.

The crinum plant is often referred to as the southern swamp lily spider lily or as a cemetery plant indicating it was often used to adorn graveyards of centuries past Regaining popularity in the landscape crinum is usually started from large bulbs although growing plants can be found in nurseries as well The crinum plant can also be grown from the large seeds it.
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Peace lilies (Spathiphyllum spp) with their smooth white blossoms exude serenity and calm Although they are not actually lilies these plants are among the most common tropical plants grown as houseplants in this country Peace lilies are tough and resilient but they are susceptible to a few pests and diseases Read on more information about peace lily plant.
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White Flower Farm is a familyowned mailorder nursery located in northwestern Connecticut Since 1950 we have been providing a wide range of perennials annuals bulbs shrubs vines amaryllis gardening tools & supplies and gifts for gardeners We also offer gardening advice and howto information to gardeners throughout the United States We invite you to browse our.