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Molds are an uncommon cause of fungal infections but they can cause tinea nigra (painless brown or black patches on the skin) or hardtotreat nail infections Most antifungal agents treat both dermatophyte and yeast infections however some such as nystatin are not suitable for dermatophyte fungal infections What are topical antifungals used for? Topical antifungals.
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Black Hand byname of Ujedinjenje Ili Smrt (SerboCroation Union or Death) secret Serbian society of the early 20th century that used terrorist methods to promote the liberation of Serbs outside Serbia from Habsburg or Ottoman rule and was instrumental in planning the assassination of the Austrian archduke Franz Ferdinand (1914) precipitating the outbreak of.
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Tim Black’s Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy article “Contextualism in Epistemology” Michael Brady and William Harms’s Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy article “Evolutionary Epistemology” Keith DeRose’s editor’s introduction to Skepticism A Contemporary Reader “Responding to Skepticism”.
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