Teori Plato. In philosophy of mind the computational theory of mind (CTM) also known as computationalism is a family of views that hold that the human mind is an information processing system and that cognition and consciousness together are a form of computation Warren McCulloch and Walter Pitts (1943) were the first to suggest that neural activity is computational.
Teori Bentuk Wikiwand from Wikiwand
Sommerfeld’s theory also acted as an enabling theory for the experiment It provided an estimate of the size of the magnetic moment of the atoms so that Stern could begin calculations to see if the experiment was feasible.
Corpuscular theory of light Wikipedia
Teori kebenaran pragmatis adalah teori yang berpandangan bahwa arti dari ide dibatasi oleh referensi pada konsekuensi ilmiah personal atau sosial Benar tidaknyasuatu dalil atau teori tergantung kepada peran fungsi dalil atau teori tersebutbagi manusia untuk kehidupannya dalam lingkup ruang dan waktu tertentu Teoriini juga dikenal dengan teori problem solving artinya.
Teori Bentuk Wikiwand
Computational theory of mind Wikipedia
Experiment in Physics Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
In optics the corpuscular theory of light arguably set forward by Descartes in 1637 states that light is made up of small discrete particles called “corpuscles” (little particles) which travel in a straight line with a finite velocity and possess impetusThis was based on an alternate description of atomism of the time period Isaac Newton was a pioneer of this theory he notably.