Satelit Jers. Radar data represent a specific data that are acquired in the microwave part of electromagnetic spectrum Owing to that the radar images can be acquired in any weather in a day or night Presently the radar data with spatial resolution tens of meters are available In the very near future a 1m resolution will be a reality.

JERS1 (nickname of Fuyo1) is a joint NASDA/MITI/STA [National Space Development Agency (Japan)/Ministry of International Trade and Industry (Japan)/Science and Technology Agency (Japan)] radar satellite project (NASDA/STA developed the satellite (built by Mitsubishi Electric Co) MITI sponsored the instruments).
JERS1 Wikipedia
IRS1A (Indian Remote Sensing Satellite1A) The spacecraft bus is boxshaped (16 m x 16 m x 15 m) with two solar panels (86 m 2) as shown in Figures 1 and 4 The S/C structure is made of aluminum/aluminum honeycomb The satellite is threeaxis.
[DAFTAR LENGKAP] 12 Jenis Jenis Citra Satelit (Mudah
Satelit JERS1 Satelit ERSSAR Satelit GeoEye Satelit Pleiades Buku Bergambar Rahasia Alam 21 – Rahasia Satelit Keberadaan sebuah citra tidak bisa dilepaskan dari aktivitas penginderaan jauh Sebab citra merupakan hasil data utama dari aktivitas penginderaan jauh.
Channel Islands weather satellite images
govje Information and public services for the Island of Jersey L’înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I’Île dé Jèrri.
Advanced Land Observation Satellite Wikipedia
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Citra Satelit adalah (Sangat Lengkap dgn Bahasa yang Mudah
(PDF) Metode Klasifikasi Citra Satelit Radar Untuk
Directory Satellite IRS eoPortal Missions
(DOC) Karakteristik Citra Satelit (Pengindraan Jauh
Terra (satellite) Wikipedia
Channel Islands Jersey Map Mapcarta
satellite Jersey map // Europe World map /sat
JERS1 eoPortal Directory Satellite Missions
Geomatics Information: Penginderaan Jauh : Satelit ALOS
With the launch of second generation high resolution sensors satellite of remote sensing like Landsat TM Spot HRV etc many kinds of researches.