Protein C. Protein C deficiency is a disorder that increases a person’s risk to develop abnormal blood clots due to a deficiency of the Protein C a protein in the body that prevents blood clotting It may be inherited or acquired Inherited deficiency of protein C can lead to familial thrombophilia.

Protein C and protein S are glycoproteins predominantly synthesized in the liver that are important components of the natural anticoagulant system in the body[1][2] They are Vitamin K dependent and serve as essential components in.
Protein C deficiency: Causes, symptoms, and treatment
Protein C is a vitamin Kdependent serine protease anticoagulant that is structurally similar to the vitamin Kdependent coagulation factors (Factors II VII IX X) These proteins are synthesized primarily in the liver and all require posttranslational gamma carboxylation to bind Ca++ and attain a fully functional form.
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Protein C (autoprothrombin IIA blood coagulation factor XIV) is a zymogen the activated form of which plays an important role in regulating anticoagulation inflammation cell death and maintaining the permeability of blood vessel walls in humans and other animals.
Regulation Of Blood Coagulation By The Protein C Anticoagulant Pathway Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis And Vascular Biology
Anticoagulation proteins C and S PubMed
Protein C and Protein S Tests: MedlinePlus Medical Test
Protein C Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine
Protein C and Protein S
Causes, Symptoms and CReactive Protein Test, Treatment
Protein C – eClinpath
Protein S and C StatPearls NCBI Bookshelf
Creactive protein test Mayo Clinic
Rare Diseases Protein C deficiency Genetic and
Protein C Wikipedia
Health Encyclopedia Protein C (Blood) University of
Protein C Deficiency: Diagnosis, Treatment, and More
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Protein C an overview ScienceDirect Topics
Protein C blood test: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia
Protein C is a normal substance in the body that prevents blood clotting A blood test can be done to see how much of this protein you have in your blood How the Test is Performed A blood sample is needed Click to Keep Reading Blood Clots Read more NIH MedlinePlus Magazine Read more Health Topics AZ Read more Was this page helpful?.