Macromedia Flash Logo. Adobe Flash Player dawMacromedia Flash Player oznaczony jako Shockwave Flash (w przeglądarkach Google Chrome Firefox Internet Explorer) – nieistniejąca już multimedialna wtyczka do przeglądarek internetowych i jednocześnie odtwarzacz animacji rozwijany i dystrybuowany przez firmę Adobe Inc Flash Player był wirtualną maszyną która uruchamiała.

In July 2017 Adobe announced that it would end support for Flash Player on December 31 2020 encouraging use of open HTML5 standards in place of Flash As of January 12 2021 content is blocked from running on Flash After Adobe Flash Player‘s support has ended after 2020 for all users outside China and followed by the removal of Flash Player deployments in Windows.
Puntos Reales
Flash Player Pro is a handy flash tool kit designed as Macromedia flash player and manager It has several powerful flash tools preview and browse flash movie capture flash image and set it as.
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Adobe Flash Player Logopedia Fandom
Adobe Flash Player – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
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