Logo Las. Legolas (pronounced [ˈlɛɡɔlas]) is a fictional character in J R R Tolkien's The Lord of the RingsHe is a Sindar Elf of the Woodland Realm and one of the nine members of the Fellowship who set out to destroy the One Ring Aliases Greenleaf (Legolas translated into English)Affiliation Gender MaleRace Sindar.

OverviewBiographyEtymology”Nay time does not tarry ever but change and growth is not in all things and places alike For the Elves the world moves and it moves both very swift and very slow” —Legolas speaking to Frodo in The Fellowship of the Ring “The Great River” Legolas was a Sindarin Elf who was part of the Fellowship of the Ring in the Third Age Son of the Elvenking Thranduil of Mirkwood Legolas was Mirkwood's prince a messenger and a master archer With his keen eyesight sensitive hearing and Early life Legolas was the only son of Thranduil King of the Elves of Northern Mirkwood His exact date of birth and mother's name are unknown War of the Ring Legolas came to the Council of Elrond in Rivendell the great meeting held by the Elf lord Elrond as a messenger from his father to discuss the escape of Gollum When the council was choosing the “Nine Walkers” to pit against the “Nine Riders” Legolas volunteered to represent the Elves and to become one of the members of the Fellowshi Legolas by Magali Villenueve The name Legolas is a Silvan dialect form of pure Sindarin Laegolas meaning 'green leaf' It consists of Sindarin words laeg (“green”) and golas (“a collection of leaves foliage being a prefixed collective form of las(s) “leaf”) The Quenya translation of Legolas is Laiqualassë There might however be a certain meaning to his name laeg is a very rare archaic word for “green” which is normally replaced by calen (cf Calenhad mutated Parth Galen and.
OverviewIn Sir Peter Jackson's filmsTrivia” The way is shut It was made by those who are dead and the dead keep it The way is shut „ ~ Legolas The Hobbit trilogy Although he is not in the novel he appears as a supporting character in the trilogy he was added into the story by Peter Jackson The Hobbit The Desolation of Smaug Legolas confronts Thorin and Company In the second Hobbit movie Desolation of Smaug which plays out years before Lord of the Rings Legolas appears leading a group of elves and attacking the spiders fighting Thorin's Company When all the spiders are dead Legolas takes Thorin and his dwarves captive but Bilbo In the film he is last seen at the ceremony but in the book he travels the world with Gimli restoring all that was lost during the war About 100 years later when Aragorn dies Legolas journeys to the Grey Havens and has Gimli join him In the novel after the War of the Ring Legolas travelled with some of his people to Ithilien and stayed there Video Duration 3 min.
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