Jurnal Uib. Jurnal JOINT diterbitkan oleh Program Sarjana Sistem Informasi Universitas Internasional Batam Editor mengundang peneliti praktisi dan siswa untuk menulis perkembangan ilmiah di bidang yang terkait dengan sistem informasi Jurnal JOINT diterbitkan 3 (tiga) kali setahun pada bulan Maret Juli November dalam bahasa Indonesia.

Library of Universitas Internasional Batam has been equipped with an elibrary with the aim of becoming a source of information of knowledge and science particularly in the fields of accounting management economics computers law civil engineering electrical engineering tourism architecture English language education and another fields to help the learning process with ease in.
UI Journals
Kegiatan ORMEGA UIB Profession Webinar “Ultimate Guide to Start A Successful Career in Real Estate” telah berhasil dilaksanakan pada hari Minggu 23 Januari 2022 dari pukul 0830 hingga 1045 WIB dengan menghadirkan narasumber yang berpengalaman di bidangnya yaitu.
Journal articles DIGSSCORE UiB
Digital Culture Journal is a studentled magazine that focuses on both creative and academic contribution to the varied field of digital culture with a strong interest focus on digital art and electronic literature We are both a student magazine and an international digital culture magazine everything in our magazine should be free to access.
Jurnal Ilmu Informasi Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan (JIPK) SINTA 4 period 2019 2024 Jurnal Ilmu Kesejahteraan Sosial SINTA 5 period 2019 2024 Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Informasi SINTA 2 period 2016 2021 Jurnal Keperawatan Indonesia SINTA 2 period 2017 2022 Jurnal Kesmas SINTA 1 Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia SINTA 2 period.
Call For Papers 2021 Jurnal Hukum Free Akses Http Journal Uib Ac Id Index Php Jjr Youtube
Portal Jurnal Universitas Labuhanbatu
– UiB's Digital Digital Culture Journal Culture Journal
Open Journal Systems UIB
Alecu Andreea L (2021) Exploring the role of network diversity and resources in relationship to generalized trust in Norway Social Networks 66 9199 Arnesen Sveinung Bergh Johannes Christensen Dag Arne & Aardal Bernt (2021) Support for electoral system reform among voters and politicians Studying information effects through survey experiments.