Hp Raksasa. Actions Multiattack The Rakshasa makes two claw attacks Claw Melee Weapon Attack +7 to hit reach 5 ft one target Hit 9 (2d6 + 2) slashing damage and the target is Cursed if it is a creature The magical curse takes Effect whenever the target takes a short or Long Rest filling the target's thoughts with horrible images and dreams.
Hp Raksasa Youtube from YouTube
HP Raksasa.
Rakshasa D&D 5th Edition on Roll20 Compendium
Racial Skills A rakshasa’s outsider levels give it skill points equal to 10 × (8 + Int modifier) Its class skills are Bluff Disguise Listen Move Silently Perform Sense Motive and Spot A rakshasa has a +4 racial bonus on Bluff and Disguise checks and it can gain further bonuses by using change shape (+10 on Disguise checks) and.
Rakshasa :: d20srd.org
EDIT the curse should also not be a real threat it is easy to come by a cleric or paladin to remove it Curse of Strahd Zombies cause a curse that not only prevents healing but reduces the HP maximum by 10 every day until you die That would lend itself to an ambush strategy fitting a Rakshasa curse everyone and get out let them die slowly.
Rakshasa Monsters D&D Beyond
HP ni'onoro ba nitarai tombol.
Hp Raksasa Youtube
Hp raksasa' YouTube
HP Raksasa YouTube
HP Raksasa YouTube
Copas save galery ya bang Warung Pancing Simpang 3ngak ada uang terpaksa HP ku jual.