Chinese Ghost Story Semi. (My semiheteronym Bernardo Soares who in many ways resembles Álvaro de Campos always appears when I’m sleepy or drowsy so that my qualities of inhibition and rational thought are suspended his prose is an endless reverie He’s a semiheteronym because his personality although not my own doesn’t differ from my own but is a mere mutilation of it He’s me without.

Autobiographical story about the life of a poor family in the Taiwanese countryside during the 1940s and 1950s as the Japanese rule of the island ends and nationalist forces of Kwomintang arrive when the Communists take the mainland Director NienJen Wu | Stars Akio Chen ShuFang Chen Jun Fu YungFeng Lee Votes 284.
Archive This American Life
The Ghost in the Machine People use machines to find people they lost Archive 756 Dec 10 2021 But I Did Everything Right People earnestly doing what they’re told and absolutely not getting what they were promised 755 Dec 3 2021 The Convert The story of an FBI undercover operation from 2006 that went terribly and became the heart of a case heard at.
A Chinese Ghost Story 1987 In 3 Minutes On Vimeo
Pipa Wikipedia
Wikipedia Heteronym (literature)
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The pipa pípá or p’ip’a (Chinese 琵琶) is a traditional Chinese musical instrument belonging to the plucked category of instrumentsSometimes called the “Chinese lute“ the instrument has a pearshaped wooden body with a varying number of frets ranging from 12 to 31 Another Chinese fourstring plucked lute is the liuqin which looks like a smaller version of the pipa.