Celebrity Fitness Mall Artha Gading. Plan your week ahead with exciting fitness classes We offer various workout classes ranging from highintensity cardio exercises to slow paces meditation everyday from 7am onwards Check out the schedules for our daily classes.
Jual Transfer Member Celebrity Fitness Mall Artha Gading Di Lapak Vina Shop Bukalapak from Bukalapak
At Celebrity Fitness Indonesia we are committed in delivering the best gym experience to our members Check out your favourite gym with basketball court swimming pool pilates room cycling studio yoga room and more Find out more.
Celebrity Fitness Mall Artha Gading in Jakarta Local
Celebrity Fitness is one of the popular Sports & Fitness Instruction located in Mall Artha Gading Jakarta listed under Local business in Jakarta Sports & Fitness Instruction in Jakarta Click to Call Add Review.
This page provides details on Celebrity Fitness Mall Artha Gading located at Mall Artha Gading Lantai 3 Jalan Artha Gading Selatan No 1 RT 18 / RW 8 Kelapa.
Built on the belief that fitness should also be about the journey not just the goal one of the largest fitness clubs in the country Celebrity Fitness infuses both fun and function Join their StarMakers for some of the most fun and innovative workouts you’ll ever experience Whether you’re looking to supercharge your workouts with tons of fresh classes or work out alongside.
Jual Transfer Member Celebrity Fitness Mall Artha Gading Di Lapak Vina Shop Bukalapak