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Apa At Le Book Connections Jan 28 2021 American Photographic Artists from APA New York – American Photographic Artists
APA Citation Style 7th edition Facebook A guide to help users create citations using APA (American Psychological Association) style 7th edition APA Toggle Dropdown General Style Guidelines Books Toggle Dropdown One Author or Editor Two Authors or Editors Three to Five Authors or Editors Article or Chapter in an Edited Book Article in a Reference.
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Some examples for citing social media can be found in the APA Style Guide to Electronic References Sixth Edition and on the APA Style Blog In particular this post has examples of citing Facebook status updates For information about other social media cites see the Social Media section of the APA Style Blog.
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Differently to other online sources a Facebook page entry in APA style should include a retrieval date Since Facebook pages may change over time (different title content etc) a retrieval dateHow To Give the last name and initials (e g Watson J D) of up to Give the italicized page title eg Timeline Home About Give the date you retrieved the page in the form “Month Day Year” Give the full URL of the web page including the protocol (http// or https//).
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APA: how to cite a Facebook BibGuru page [Update 2020]
Thanks to developments in technology and feedback from our users the APA Style team has updated the formats for citing social media including content from Twitter Facebook and Google+ These guidelines are the same as you’ll find in our APA Style Guide to Electronic References Sixth Edition (available in PDF and Kindle formats).