5000 Cinco Mil Cruzados Dalam Rupiah. Brazil 5000 Cruzeiro banknote from 1993 has a pick number of P232c is in uncirculated (UNC) condition and features Antonio Carlos Gomes The Brazil 5000 Cruzeiros is part of the family of banknotes issued in 1993 with a completely new design This particular paper bill is in uncirculated condition Price $383.

Saya ada uang brazil pecahan 5000 cinco mil cruzados satu peti penuh asli sudah dicek dibank bagi yang berminat hubungi saya 089621290127 lokasi cilegon banten Hapu Harga Uang Kertas Brazil Kuno 5000 Cinco Mil CruzadosRp 19600000 Harga Uang asing Brazil 5000 Cruzeiros 1992Rp 8500 Harga UBCN uang Brazil 5000 cruzados kacamata UB souvenir reproRp 3000 Harga uang kuno brazil asli.
5 000 Cruzeiros (1st edition; 1st print) Brazil – Numista
Jual Uang Brazil 5000 Murah Harga Terbaru 2021 Jual Produk Kuno Brazil 5000 Termurah Dan Terlengkap April 2021 Bukalapak Jual Uang Kuno Brazil 5000 Cinco Mil Cruzados Di Lapak Sam Repal Bukalapak Mata Uang Brazil 5000 Berapa Rupiah Berbagai Mata.
Mata Uang Brazil 5000 Terbaru – DerivBinary.com
ObverseReverseCommentsSee AlsoBlue on polychrome chalcography and offset On the right oval medallion with the figure of Joaquim José da Silva Xavier Tiradentes (17461792) Above couplet “REPÚBLICA DOS ESTADOS UNIDOS DO BRASIL” (Republic of the United States of Brazil) Below the inscription “CINCO MIL CRUZEIROS / VALOR LEGAL” (Five Thousand Cruzeiros / Legal Amount) On the left print number serial number (above) the sequence number (center) and signature of Director of the Amortization Fund (below) On the right the sequence number (above) print number serial number (center) and signature of Finance Minister (below) Lettering REPÚBLICA DOS ESTADOS UNIDOS DO BRASIL 5000 5000 TESOURO NACIONAL 5000 5000 5000 CINCO MIL CRUZEIROS VALOR LEGAL DIRETOR CAIXA DE AMORTIZAÇÃO MINISTRO DA FAZENDA TIRADENTES 5000 5000 AMERICAN BANK NOTE COMPANY Translation Republic of the United States of Brazil National Treasury Five Thousand Cruzeiros Legal Amount Director of the Amortization Fund Finance Minister Tiradentes Ruby Red in calcography Reproduction of the painting “Tiradentes ante o carrasco” (Tiradentes before the executioner) 1951 by Rafael Falco (18851967) between the label “REPUBLICA DOS / ESTADOS UNIDOS DO BRASIL” (Republic of the / United States of Brazil) Lettering REPÚBLICA DOS 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 TIRADENTES ANTE O CARRASCO ESTADOS UNIDOS DO BRASIL AMERICAN BANK NOTE COMPANY Translation Republic of the Tiradentes before the executioner United States of Brazil American Bank Note Company EngraverAmerican Bank Note Company DesignerAmerican Bank Note Company Specimens placeholder Specimen note sample Themes of this banknote (1) Joaquim José da Silva Xavier Tiradentes (17461792) lider da Inconfidência Mineira (2) Painting “Tiradentes ante o carrasco” (Tiradentes before the executioner) of 1951 by Rafael Falco (18851967) Notes more Republic of the United States of Brazil and Cruzeiro (Cr$) Legislation Decree law 4190 of December 17 1962 Issuer BrazilYears 19631964Type Standard banknote.
5,000 Brazilian Cruzeiros banknote (Castelo Branco
Wame6282299752516 Reply Delet Saya punya uang brazil 1 lembar 5000 cinco mil cruzeiros gambar carlos gomesminat 089689024006lokasi jogjakarta Atau berdasarkan pengalaman atas Uang seperti ini apakah Asli apa palsu Dan berapa jumlah rupiah kalo saya menukarkan semua uangnya Lengkapnya terdiri atas 11 lembar dengan nominalnominal 1 2 5 10 25.
2 Tim Garda Blambangan Buru Dpo Pengedar Rp 4 5 T Uang Asing Palsu
Cara Menukar Uang Brazil Ke Rupiah Kumpulan Cara Terbaru 2021
5000 cinco mil Mata uang brazil cruzados, over 80% it new & buy
Cruzeiros, 1993, P232c, UNC Brazil 5,000 (5000)
Mata Uang Brazil 5000 Dirupiahkan – DerivBinary.com
Tukar menukar fisik uang rupiah ke asing dan sebaliknya Berikut ini tips dan cara menukar rupiah menjadi mata uang asing yang perlu kamu ketahui Uang Kuno Brazil 5000 Cinco Mil Cruzados Shopee Indonesia Linlindua 31 May 2021 84 Cara menukar uang brazil ke rupiah Sedangkan kolom jual dan beli merupakan nilai mata uang rupiah Simbol untuk.