02486 Area Code. Area name SHRIGONDA City AHMEDNAGAR State MAHARASHTRA City Name for the STD code ‘2487’ is SHRIGONDA which is in AHMEDNAGAR located in the state of MAHARASHTRA.
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The area code for MissylèsPierrepont is 02486 (also known as code INSEE) and the MissylèsPierrepont zip code is 02350 Geography and map of MissylèsPierrepont The altitude of the city hall of MissylèsPierrepont is approximately 71 meters.
02476 Area Code Coventry Phone Number cNumber
UK area codes List of dialling codes and phone prefixes Telephone numbers starting 01 and 02 Numbers that start with 01 or 02 are typically used for home or business landlines Known as ‘geographic numbers’ they are arranged into a variety of local area codes sometimes also known as ‘dialling codes‘ or ‘STD codes‘.
Local calling guide: Rate centre information
V 04860 H 02486 ILEC 8051 BELL ONTARIO Includes all or part of Epsom ON (8051 BELL ONTARIO) Greenbank ON (8051 BELL ONTARIO) Prince Albert ON (8051 BELL ONTARIO) Scugog Island ON (8051 BELL ONTARIO) NPA 289 225 354 485 653 713 912 NPA 365 238 407 770 843 NPA 742 206 NPA 905 982 985 See all [Local Prefixes] Local calling.
02487 STD Code Location name and area map
– The international exit code is 00 – The country code of the Philippines is 63 – The Subscriber’s Numbers (without an Area Code) are 7 digits – When calling from abroad to the Philippines – dial “00” + 63 + Area Code + Subscriber Number – When calling a landline within the same Area Code – simply dial the Subscriber Number.
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Fake phone numbers randomly generated by Fake Number such as 0245 are unallocated numbers that telephony companies cannot assign to customers under current legislation This is to protect residents against the potential influx of phone calls that they may receive should their telephone numbers appear in a movie or film.